
Are We Alone?

Whisper, Mandaly Louis-Charles


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, edited by Will Shortz

An AFICIONADO (11D. Buff) of who’s who crosswords might take well to this Saturday puzzle -- ARSENE; BLEDEL; CHEGUEVARA; ESSIE; ILIA; IRENEADLER; JABBA; JAMESJOYCE; KRAUSE; LIAT; MOSE; RONA; SHERA; TARAREID; TUPAC.

Other long entries -- AREWEALONE (54A. Conspirator’s cautious conversation starter); CIRCUMVENT; EARTHSHINE; JACKANAPES; JELLYSTONE; SANANTONIO; and YERBABUENA.

Then there's SQUIRREL (49A. Brunswick stew ingredient) and a couple of LEOS (52D. Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to the stars?).

Is there someone else?


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

For the complete post, go HERE.