Whisper, Mandaly Louis-Charles
Saturday, October 25, 2008Puzzle by Karen M. Tracey, edited by Will ShortzAn AFICIONADO (11D. Buff) of who’s who crosswords might take well to this Saturday puzzle -- ARSENE; BLEDEL; CHEGUEVARA; ESSIE; ILIA; IRENEADLER; JABBA; JAMESJOYCE; KRAUSE; LIAT; MOSE; RONA; SHERA; TARAREID; TUPAC.Other long entries -- AREWEALONE (54A. Conspirator’s cautious conversation starter); CIRCUMVENT;
EARTHSHINE; JACKANAPES; JELLYSTONE; SANANTONIO; and YERBABUENA.Then there's SQUIRREL (49A. Brunswick stew ingredient) and a couple of LEOS (52D. Bill Clinton and Arnold Schwarzenegger, to the stars?).Is there someone else?------------------
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The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.For the complete post, go