
Deal Me Out!

Alice and the pack of cards, by Arthur Rackam


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Puzzle by Peter A. Collins, edited by Will Shortz

Today's main entries consist of SHUFFLE (40A. With 42-Across, prepare to play cards [and a hint to this puzzle's circled letters]) THEDECK (42A. See 40-Across) -- accompanied by four long entries each with four circled letters containing the shuffled word DECK -- HARDBACKEDITION (17A Library copy of a book, commonly); BAKEDCAKES (24A. Prepared some desserts); DUCKDECOYS (52A. Hunting aids); BUICKDEALERSHIP (64A. Place to get an Electra, once). It's not written in stone anywhere that a "hint" should be of use in the solution of a crossword, but in this instance it is simply useless -- an after-the-fact, see-how-clever, I-get-it moment obtained at the finale. So CLEAR (55D. Word that may go before 42-Across) the deck!

DUKAKIS (7D. 1988 presidential candidate) hangs in the center of the crossword, perhaps reminding one of the lame debate between the current candidates last night -- where are the great men when we need them? We'll just have to do it ourselves! PLAYBALL (5D. Umpire's shout)!

A few links -- TOOTALL (46D. Nickname for former N.F.L.'er Ed Jones); AVA (21A. Gardner of "The Barefoot Contessa"); CICERO (26D. Roman who originated the phrase "While there's life, there's hope"); FIRPO (3D. Dempsey's 1923 opponent); SHARI (28A. Puppeteer Lewis); RLESS (72A. Like non-oyster months); CAIRO (54D. Africa's most populous city); OSPREY (20A. Coastal raptor); SPADS (4D. W.W. I French fighter planes); WOO (47A. It may be pitched).

About that debate -- what could be worse than the last hand dealt!


For today's cartoons, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated

For the complete post, go HERE.