
Be It Ever So Humble...

“No place like home” Judy Garland with flying house -- The Wizard of Oz

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Puzzle by Barry Boone, edited by Will Shortz

CONNECTTHEDOTS (20A. Kind of puzzle suggested by this crossword’s theme); NOPLACELIKEHOME (40A. End of a popular saying related to this puzzle’s theme); ALPHABETICALLY (57A. How to link the 12 letters in this puzzle with a single line to make a picture) -- well, what’s to be said…

A few links: ABNER (71A. Baseball pioneer Doubleday); ASNER (47A. Ed of “Roots”); ASPEN (27D. John Denver wrote two songs about this town); COMIC (33D. Doer of stand-up); 21D. “Maria ELENA,” 1941 #1 hit, ENIAC (42D. 1940s computer) and 32. ENOLA Gay; DEV, LADA, LISA, MEL, OREL, OMAR, OXO, and YUKS (63D. Cheap laughs).

…perhaps a second mortgage?


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

For the complete post, go HERE.