

Sunday, October 12, 2008
CHANGE OF HEART, Puzzle by Rich Norris, edited by Will Shortz
Anagrams can be fun -- or not! In the case of this Sunday crossword, which contains three- and four-letter samples in the center (thus the "heart" of the puzzle‘s given title) of seven of the puzzle’s longer entries, they mostly land with a duth (my own version of thud)… stew/west, arts/star, god/dog, pots/post, cool/loco, thing/night (that’s the good one) and lime/mile. Justifying the "changes", wry clues are provided, all punctuated by a question mark.
DUTCH STEW INDIES (23. Low-budget films about hearty European meals?); LONE ARTS STATE (33. Where hermit painters retire?); SHAGGY GOD STORY (42. Biography of Odin, e.g.?); GENERAL POTS OFFICE (69. Place to go for kitchenware?); IN COOL PARENTIS (95. How beatniks raise kids?); ONE THING STAND (103. Étagère with a single tiny shelf?); THREE LIME ISLAND (116. Where citrus trees grow in small groups?).
For the complete post, go HERE.