
Change Direction

Monday, October 20, 2008
Puzzle by Daniel Raymon, edited by Will Shortz
CHANGEDIRECTION (38A. Take a new path … or a hint to 20-, 36-, 41- and 57-Across), along with NORTHTHORN (20A. Prickle in Alaska?); WESTSTEW (36A. Simmered dish in California?); EASTSEAT (41A. Chair in Maine?); and SOUTHSHOUT (57A. Scream in Alabama?) are the interrelated entries of this Monday back-to-work crossword and are in need of no explanation.
It is interesting to note, however, the near echoing of the interrelated entries with STINT (1D. Time in the army, say) and STORM (1A. Tempest) in the opening corner, matched by STENT (54D. Medical tube); and SMART (67A. Sting) in the closing.
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

For the complete post, go HERE.