
Too Much Information

Friday, May 22, 2009
Puzzle by Manny Nosowsky, edited by Will Shortz
I CAN’T SAY AS I HAVE (33A. “Not in my experience), IT’S A LULU (41A. “Wait’ll you see this!”), NOW WHAT (16A. Cry upon reaching an impasse) and SO AS TO (28A. Such that one might) are four prime examples of choose-a-phrase-for-the-entry clues that are so delightfully irritating in crossword puzzles. PANHELLENIC (24D. Of fraternities and sororities collectively) and PILTDOWN MAN (4D. Its teeth were actually a chimpanzee’s) are informationally welcome. SIXTY-NINE (20D. Cardinal that looks the same when viewed upside down) is initially mystifying and possesses a twinge of humor. TENOR SAX (25A. Ravel’s “Bolero” calls for one) is a wide-open clue with a who-would-know hard-fact answer -- just choose some instrument from the full orchestra for “Bolero” -- HERE.
In short -- TMI (49A. “I didn’t need to know all that!,” informally).
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go HERE.