

The Letter Z, Abba Richman
May 5, 2009 -- Cinco de Mayo!
Puzzle by Trip Payne, edited by Will Shortz
The exchange of the “s“ sound for “z“ in three phrases “don’t move a muscle, bussing tables, fuss and feathers”, via ZZ in three sets of two squares each results in DON’T MOVE A MUZZLE (17A. Decide against reorganizing the pet store?), BUZZING TABLES (38A. Conversation-filled places in a restaurant?), FUZZ AND FEATHERS (61A. What chicks have?) -- the minimalist gimmick for this Tuesday crossword.
Links --
BASS TUBA (38D. Low-pitched instrument) and OOM-PAH-PAH (9D. Sound from a 38-Down); BIT-O-HONEY (35D. Nestle candy); NEZ PERCE (11D. Pacific Northwest tribe); I DO I DO (2D. Musical whose opening song is “All the Dearly Beloved”); PHOTON (53A. Massless particle); WELLES (33D. “Citizen Kane” director); 14A. Hersey’s “A Bell for ADANO; TORIC (30A. Doughnut-shaped).
That‘s a WRAP (33A. Finish shooting a movie)!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the completet post, go HERE.