
Independence Day

July 4, 2009, Independence Day
Puzzle by Peter A. Collins and Joe Krozel, edited by Will Shortz
Highest-grossing film of 1996), THE UNITED STATES (20A. Fastest ocean liner ever in a transatlantic crossing [3 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes]), STARS AND STRIPES (34A. Private reading?) and RED WHITE AND BLUE (54A. Patriotic display) are the interrelated entries of this Fourth of July crossword puzzle. God bless America!
After that wonderful burst of puzzledom patriotics, we’re down to business as usual -- a few links: ROD STEIGER (58A. Oscar-winning portrayer of Police Chief Bill Gillespie, 1967); AIREDALE; SACK RACE; NORTON; SARTRE; ENIAC; MONGO; SPANS; ALEA; A WET; DDE; EDEL; NITA.
Happy Fourth of July!
For today’s cartoons, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
For the complete post, go HERE.