

"Vertumnus" (1590-1591) a visual pun by Giuseppe Arcimboldo.
June 14, 2009 -- Flag Day
D-PLUS, Puzzle by Brendan Emmett Quigley, edited by Will Shortz
This Sunday crossword contains nine of the worst puns ever brought together in one puzzle, as follows: DO PENDANTS (23. Make necklace baubles?); COOL BREEDS (25. Hip lineage); SIDEKICK ENERGY (39. Tonto’s pep?); PASSED MUSTARD (50A. Gave Grey Poupon to the head of the table?); AMITYVILLE HOARDER (66. Greediest person in a Long Island locality); LEOPARD COLONY (85. Spotted feline’s home?); HOUSE ADDRESSED (94. Like residential mail?); BOULDER HAT (114. Certain Colorado headgear?); SNOW DWIGHT (116. Bamboozle Eisenhower?), resulting in do penance, cool breeze, psychic energy, passed muster, Amityville Horror, leper colony, house arrest, bowler hat, Snow White. Call it D-Minus!
The remaining across entries are more or less random fill with tortured clues -- a few links: 1. 1982 best seller subtitled “And Other Discoveries About Human Sexuality,” with “The”, GSPOT; 37. Tall, slender hound, SALUKI; 64. OTTO the Orange (Syracuse University mascot); 77. Mathematician Turing, ALAN; 103. Atlantic Division cagers, RAPTORS; 111. “Sexual Honesty” compiler, HITE.
Down: 11. Strong Chinese liquor, MAOTAI; 17. One of the Planeten, ERDE; 41. One-named Brazilian soccer star in the 2008 Time 100, KAKA; 66. Quick look, APERCU; 79. Suspected spy in a celebrated 1949 trial, ALGER HISS; 96. Curved high-back bench, EXEDRA.
For today’s cartoons, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go HERE.