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X-Factor #34,
Friday, March 13, 2009 Puzzle by Joon Pahk, edited by Will Shortz X FACTOR (45-Down, Hard-to-define influence) is perhaps the best word one could scare up for what a crossword constructor does, both with entries and their clues. Take today’s crossword -- is there any reason for RAS and RACE rather than RIS and RICE?, PYRES and ESSES over PYREX and ESSEX?, etc. If PILAF had to fit in four squares, it would be PIAF; TEARS, TEAS; PALER, ALER; SHALT, HALT; SAUTÉ, SATE, etc. How far apart are SPICA and SPIRAL; ONO and OTO; YEAS and YES SIR? SOP, SAP, SEP, SIP, SUP? FIRM, FORM, FARM, or FERMI? DDT or TNT? OUT or ORT or ORE? OCCUR and OCCULT? Yet, the "crossword community" on the internet continues to argue and spew over inconsequential, if not totally accidental, little fill -- OAS, SAO, SOS, SST, SSS… 20. O, say; 23. 8 for O, say! In today’s puzzle, X FACTOR swims about with, shifty, shady sorts -- MOOT POINT, SLAVISH, APERCUS, JOCOSE, SENSATE, EXQUISITE, IDEALS, ZINGER -- give me gregarious or, or... OR ELSE (24D. Ominous words)! It‘s just that damn X FACTOR!
----------------- For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated. For the complete post, go HERE.