
One More Thing

A young George Foreman celebrates his Olympic triumph.

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Zack Kushner, edited by Will Shortz
Today, (groan) paronomasia… COOKING WITH GASPS (23A. Rachael Ray activity eliciting oohs and aahs?); BUILT RAMPS TOUGH (39A. Prepared for heavy on/off traffic?); USE THE FORCEPS LUKE (47A. Advise t actor Perry when delivering a baby?); ASPS FOR ME (67A. Cleopatra’s last request?); GOING TOPS THE POLLS (86. Travel is voted most popular?); LONG TIME NO SEEPS (92A. Result of a good basement waterproofing years ago?); BULLET PROOF CARPS (115A. Unassailable beefs?). The remainder of this concoction is no PS and for this solver, had a very static feel.

The biggest PS today is 100-Down, Any of boxer Foreman's five sons, GEORGE. Foreman has 10 children, and each of his five sons are named George: George Jr., George III, George IV, George V, and George VI. They are also known by the nicknames "Monk," "Red," "Joe," "Big Wheel," and "Little George.”
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go HERE.