
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Puzzle by Nancy Salomon and Larry Shearer, edited by Will Shortz
Three long entries are the main feature of this crossword appearing on this
Veterans’ Day (off topic) -- one down: HEADING DUE SOUTH (7. Going straight to Antarctica, say), and two diagonally, SLIP SLIDING AWAY (1. Disappearing), RUNNING DOWN HILL (12. Proceeding with little effort). Working the puzzle on the internet, I did not notice the instruction to “See Notepad”, so had no idea there were two diagonal entries until I printed the puzzle for commentary. I am assuming that the dead-tree copy will have a Diagonal category in addition to Across and Down -- which will give the solver a little more to dwell upon. That said, all three 15-letter entries meet in the center where they are united by the letter D.
HONEYMOON (10D. Bliss before the hard part begins) and WINDYCITY (35D. Chicago, with “the”) are the remaining long entries. Links: ODESSA (24A. Potemkin mutiny city); ISAAC (127A. Almost-sacrificed son in the Bible); and YMA (26A. Late singer Sumac).
With the entries of heading due south, slip-sliding away, running down hill, honeymoon and messy given the definitions of bliss before the hard part begins and complicated, as a divorce, the entry of
ALONE (34D. Unaccompanied) seems quite apropos!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go HERE.