Monday, November 3, 2008
Puzzle by Susan Gelfand, edited by Will Shortz
I know, I know, it’s not Tuesday! EMILYPOSTS (17A. Etiquette expert writes messages online?); STEVIEWONDERS (26A. Singer speculates?); WINSLOWHOMERS (42A. Artist clears the bases?); and HELENHUNTS (56A. Actress searches?) are the interrelated entries on this back-to-work who-are-you-going-to-vote-for-tomorrow Monday. Turning the second half of a proper name into a verb through the addition of an S, resulting in a very short sentence is this puzzle’s fun gimmick, though it could include ALGORES (Environmentalist slaughters bull). Oop!, enough of the election already!
A few links:
SMASHER (41D. See 53-Down) paired with ATOM (53D. With 41-Down, nuclear device); BROWSE (6D. Read a little here and there); RIVER (29D. Potomac, for one); NEXT, OVAL (16D. Zero-shaped), “OVER and out“ (60A), and finally, XES (39A. Ballot marks).Vote!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.For the complete post, go HERE.