
Fried Turkey

Cajun Fried Turkey

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Puzzle by Michael Langwald, edited by Will Shortz

STEAMEDCRAB (17A. Grouch who’s plenty mad?), GRILLEDSHRIMP (27A. Pipsqueak under cross-examination?), ROASTEDPEANUT (48A. Wee lad feted by the Friars?), and FRIEDTURKEY (64A. Burned-out goofball?) are the featured interrelated entries of this Tuesday crossword.

Joining the grouch, the pipsqueak, the wee lad, and the goofball is EVITAPERON (11D. First lady played by Madonna) who seemingly presides over the personages ANDOR (71A. Choice words?) characters in the puzzle including an ICEBREAKER (29D. Party warmer-upper) and a SADSACK (25A. Perennial loser), neither steamed, grilled, roasted or fried.

END (40A. Wrap up).


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go