

Henry Andrews (18?-1868), William Pleater Davidge as Malvolio in Twelfth Night, c.1846


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Puzzle by David Kwong and Emily Halpern, edited by Will Shortz

"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them". - (Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V, Wm. Shakespeare).

In today's crossword, GREAT is replaced in the entries of THEDECENTGATSBY (17A. Mediocre F. Scott Fitzgerald novel?), GOODBARRIERREEF (27A. Mediocre place in scuba?), THENOTBADESCAPE (49A. Mediocre Steve McQueen film?) and OKAYBALLSOFFIRE (65A. Mediocre Jerry Lee Lewis hit?).

EITHEROR (10D. “Take you pick”) and SYNONYMS (40D. Roget’s listings) are INDEED (4D. “For sure!“) appropriate entries for a crossword’s CRAFTY (51D. Cunningly evil) clues, whether one CLOAKS (18D. Items of apparel for Dracula) or gives a PSEUDO (42D. False start?) to the solver.

With the exact same clue as his appearance in the June 23rd crossword, BOGIE (1A. “Casablanca” star, informally), headlines a parade of personages, including EROS (39A. Bow-wielding god); 25A. Daisy MAE, who went to Marryin’ Sam; and 45D. Alley OOP.
Non-personage five-letter entries include
CORAL (38A. Atoll makeup); RIATA (31D. Cowpoke‘s rope); TIARA (16A. Bejeweled topper).

This puzzle? Decent… Not bad… Good… Okay… GREAT!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

For the complete post, go HERE.