

Friday, May 23, 2008

Puzzle by Patrick John Duggan, edited by Will Shortz

WHOVILLE (7A. Dr. Seuss story setting), along with AUREVOIR (16A. Parting words); ISITSAFE (18A. Memorable “Marathon Man” query) start the merry-go-round of long entries in this Friday Memorial-Day-weekend puzzle. Starting from there (upper right) and continuing clockwise to lower right are THEALAMO (36D. Historic mission); SOPRANOS (38D. Crime family); UPSSTORE (38D. Popular boxing venue); to lower left with LEANONME (54A. 1989 film set in an inner-city high school); DUTYFREE (58A. Like some airport purchases); SPECTERS (60A. Spirits); and upper left, SSMINNOW (1D. It was shipwrecked in 1964 somewhere in the South Pacific); CORLEONE (2D. Crime family name); and ATTESTED (3D. Bore witness [to]).

What else?...

Some stuff across: 17. Fop in “The Wind in the Willows”; 20. One of a French literary trio; 23. 1987 Costner role; 30. Reddish-brown gems; 35. Literally, “art of softness”; 46. Fifth state to ratify the Constitution: Abbr.; 49. Where you can find hammers and anvils; 50. Beginning and end of 20-Across’s motto.

Some downs: 5. Bucket of bolts; Kerry and McCain, e.g.; 21. Doctor often seen on writers’ bookshelves; 24. Element used to make semiconductors; 28. Destroyers of many castles; 35. Title girl in a 1958 hit by the Playmates; 40. Military construction crew; 55. U.N.’s home.

With both CORLEONE and the SOPRANOS in the same puzzle, it's AUREVOIR, and off to


For today's cartoons, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.