

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Puzzle by Robert W. Harris, edited by Will Shortz

Common Interests is the given title of this Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle, a definition for the following across entries and their clues:
CURRENTEVENTS (24. Electrical engineers and news anchors?); EXOTICPORTS (26. World travelers and wine connoisseurs?); ROCKBANDS (44. Geologists and music video producers); SPRINGBREAKS (52. College students and mattress testers?); STAGECOACHES (82. Old West outlaws and aspiring thespians?); HIPJOINTS (89. Beat-era musicians and orthopedists?);
GOLDRECORDS (110. Fort Knox officials and pop singers?); and STRAIGHTLINES (113. Comedians and parade directors?).

Common Interests is a timely title, for there is currently a rare convergence of Holy Days of more than one tradition in observance. The calendars of a variety of religious traditions mark special days on this weekend under no less than a full moon.

In the Christian tradition, it is Easter, with Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. In the Jewish tradition, this is the time of Purim. In the Hindu tradition it is Holi, a joyous and raucous celebration. In Buddhist tradition, Magha Puja Day commemorating Buddha’s teaching of the 'Ovadapatimokkha'. In Muslim tradition Mawlid al-Nabi, the birthday of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, is celebrated. And, finally, the festival of Noruz among Kurdish people, to a commemoration of the equinox among some other national groups. It is a rich convergence of events to be sure. An equinox to remember!

For this weekend, at least -- love and peace!

In memory of Arthur C. Clarke, 90, Science Fiction Writer, who died this week on the eve of the Equinox, “2001: A Space Odyssey” in 2 minutes and 1 second.


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.