

Monday, February 23, 2009
Puzzle by Alan Arbesfeld, edited by Will Shortz
Band, bend, bind, bond and bund are the binding elements of today’s interrelated entries -- RUBBER BAND (17A. Stretchable holder); AROUND THE BEND (23A. Loony); THE TIES THAT BIND (35A. Strong family connections, idiomatically); MUNICIPAL BOND (47A. Tax-free investment); CUMMERBUND (57A. Tux go-with).
A few links: BLIMPS (44D.
Hoverers over sports stadiums); AMMAN (50D. Jordan’s capital); RASPS (65A. Talks like Don Corleone); UBOAT (48D. W.W. II Atlantic lurker).
Have a good week!
For today’s cartoon, go to
The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complelte post, go HERE.