
Ado, Adieu!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Puzzle by Natan Last, edited by Will Shortz

With a few good seldom-seen entries and many a misleading clue, this Friday fodder for the fanatical, crossword critics, pundits and professors, will likely elicit many a lengthy discourse upon its duplicity, familiarity and/or freshness, et cetera, so I will abstain -- after all, there is such a thing as too much of much ado about nothing.

AZERBAIJANI (49A. Russian’s neighbor) leads off the long entries which include BIRDBRAIN (1A. Ding-dong); DIDGERIDOO (58A. Wind instrument Down Under); GUITARHERO (17A. Hit video game series launched in 2005); IMAREALBOY (14A. Exuberant cry from Pinocchio); INUNDATION (55A. Flood); REITERATING (20A. Hammering away at); SEESSTARS (60A. Reacts to a big buffet); XRATEDMOVIE (10D. Work with raw material?).

A few more links: OCCULT (45A. Alternative bookstore section); POOR (52D. Description of 15-Down) YORICK (115D. Of whom Hamlet said “He hath borne me on his back a thousand times”); 28D. AMATE should keep himself to himself”: “Treasure Island”; JUDE (50D. Law with many parts).

With no further ado, I bid adieu!


For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.

For the complete post, go HERE.