Thursday, November 19, 2009
Puzzle by Tyler Hinman and Jeremy Horwitz, edited by Will Shortz
Three film directors are linked in this entertaining Thursday crossword by way of their clues -- COSTA GAVRAS (17A. “Z” director, 1969), FRITZ LANG (32A. “M” director, 1931) and OLIVER STONE (51A. “W.” director, 2008). The remaining 23 letters of the alphabet are also present, the puzzle is holoalphabetic, which is neither here nor there but everywhere.
A few links -- IONESCO (13D. Le Rhinocéros” playwright Eugène); MOONLIT (12D. Like the forest in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”); STAR MAPS (44A Some Beverly Hills tourist purchases); ASSYRIANS (10D. Hearers of Jonah’s prophecy); APNEA (41A. Cause of an awakening); UOMO.
Lights, cameras, action… the trailers for Z, M and W.
For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated.
For the complete post, go HERE.