Cheerleader Yelling Into Megaphone, Revere F. Wistehuff
October 27, 2009Puzzle by Chuck Deodene, edited by Will Shortz
CHEERLEADER (57A. Shouter of this puzzle’s circled sounds), RAH! RAH! SIS-BOOM-BAH! contained within the entries of TETRAHEDRON (17A. Solid with four triangular faces), RAHM EMANUEL (25A. Chief of staff in the Obama White House), GENESIS (35A. Start of the Bible), BOOMERS (37A. Post-W.W. II demographic, informally) and GRAND POOBAH (49A. High muck-a-muck) are the interrelated group of this cheerful Tuesday crossword.Tuesday links --
SAN MATEO (10D. Redwood City’s county), HEADPIN (18D. First thing usually hit by a bowling ball); 47D. Fernando BOTERO, painter of plump figures; MARLEY (46D. Jacob whose ghost appears to Scrooge); HYENA (51D. Carrion consumer); 63A. John Lennon’s “Instant KARMA!”; VIOLA (15A. Instrument played with a bow); EMO (59D. Popular music style), RAP (58D. Popular music style).Rah! Rah! Sis-boom-bah!------------------
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