
Fitting Words

April 12, 2009
FITTING WORDS, Puzzle by Eric Berlin, edited by Will Shortz
SQUARE PEGS (65A. Things that may not go in 69-Across) and ROUND HOLES (69A. See 65-Across), along with ten four-square circles containing P, E, G and S are the interrelated entries of this Easter Sunday crossword -- the electronic and the print editions of the crossword are different in the allocation of the circles -- there is a circle for each letter of the PEGS in the electronic and one large circle covering four squares containing the letters P, E, G and S in the dead-tree. In any event, everything "fits."

That aside, this is a fairly generic Sunday crossword -- links for the day: 89A. Farewell, ANGELINA” (Dylan song popularized by Joan Baez); SHESGONE (46A. 1976 top 10 hit for Hall & Oates); SLAMDANCE (59A. Punk rock club activity); DOGSTAR (50A. Bright spot in the night sky); IPECACS (39A. Medicinal syrups); MADIGAN (60D. Amy of “Field of Dreams”); PASTEUR (33D. 1936 Oscar-winning title role for Paul Muni); ROBERTS (114A. Rehnquist’s successor); ARGYLL (58D. Historic Scottish county); BOCCIE (43D. Game with balls); GNEISS (78A. Layered rock); HALITE (1A. Rock salt); SCLERA (83A. Eyeball covering); SPIRAL (32A. Shell shape); SUSANN (41D. Best-selling novelist about whom Gore Vidal said “She doesn’t write, she types!”); ATOLL (101D. Transpacific landing site); ENVOI (6D. End of a ballade); ORSER (28A. 1987 champion skater Brian); WEEP (12D. Boo hoo)! and 49A. “TOO bad”!


For today's cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated

For the complete post, go HERE.