Abridged commentary of The NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD IN GOTHIC.
Monday Menu Jack London is believed to be the young man in the group on the right, second from left, August 1897. ----------------- Monday, December 15, 2008 Puzzle by Susan Gelfand, edited by Will Shortz Four authors whose last names serve as part of food items along with their first names as part of the clues constitute this Monday back-to-work crossword puzzle’s interrelated entries -- POUND CAKES(18A. Poet Ezra’s favorite desserts?);LAMB SHANKS(62A. Essayist Charles’s favorite entrée?);RICE PUDDING (4D. Writer Anne’s favorite dessert?);LONDON BROIL(27D. Writer Jack’s favorite entrée?). Who gets the Parker rolls? ------------------ For today’s cartoon, go to The Crossword Puzzle Illustrated. For the complete post, go HERE.
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